Home Education Do’s and Don’ts of an exam

Do’s and Don’ts of an exam

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As the exams are approaching around the corner, every student needs to know the basics of exams. I mean we have been giving exams since childhood. So, what is new to learn about them? Well, there are many things that we don’t consider while doing our exam. This article is to let you know everything beforehand so you don’t have to get into pre-exam insanity. I’ve combined and gathered all of the data and information so it is easy for you to know the whole process without getting panicked. There is a list of things a person should consider before attempting to do my exam for me.

First and foremost a person should do smart study for success. Still, wondering what the smart study is and how to do that? Below is the list of things that will help you achieve your goals.

Do’s of an exam:

  1. Create realistic visions – those who are achievable. Start with small steps in learning, prepare things on the list you might need to know. We all know when we start studying even before that, we make an enormous list of things. Which get piled up into a huge mess and create mental clutter. A better plan of action to overcome this is to create small manageable tasks. Chunks of work which is achievable with the mindset of realistic vision.
  2. Start planning no matter how small a task is, write it down. Same Writing things down on paper removes mental chaos. A tidy list of tasks or even which topic to cover will help you keep on track. Remember, Planning is better than not planning at all.
  3. Divide material and course content into doable tasks. If you have multiple subjects, take turns for each of them. This will give you the opportunity to cover almost every single subject. Also, pull out the pressure of one subject and give the brain a variety of things to learn. Dividing course material with topics also put an end to exhaustion.
  4. Set a definite timer for studying. Give a designated time to study so it can help in recollecting what you have learned into long-term memory.
  5. This is quite important to take and manage breaks in between according to your tempo.
  6. It is necessary to separate your working space and leisure space. It helps the brain to differentiate between two things that have a complete change of decorum.
  7. Do a little bit of physical exercise, not a heavy one that will exhaust you out.
  8. Make every effort to plan ahead of time for the test so that you can have plenty of study time.
  9. As part of your exam-taking preparation, try taking classes and undertaking reading assignments ahead of schedule. Attending lectures and doing reading assignments are both necessary for exam preparation and academic performance.
  10. Incorporate the use of mnemonic devices, mind mapping, and other things that help in remembering large and complicated information.
  11. Do a little preview of your previous exam or test. This will give you a better idea of what kind of question and pattern your teacher is following. And if you are lucky some professors do repeat questions.
  12. Pack your stuff a day before an exam. All important things include your identity card, calculators, stationery, and other related stuff.
  13. Arrive early in classes so you can settle in comfortably and have to be mentally ready. This also helps in controlling exam stress and anxiety.
  14. Try to attempt additional bonus questions to have a little edge in marks.
  15. Time management is a key in exams. So make sure you give each question its required time and not overdo it where it is not necessary. By this, you will have time at the end of the paper to review all your answers and proofread or edit.

Don’ts of an exam:

  1. Don’t let anxious thoughts overcome you. Panic and nervousness will lead to one bad thing to another. Try to remain calm as much as possible.
  2. During the exam period, you don’t have to neglect yourself. Take time to have some fresh air and any sort of physical exercise or activity.
  3. Don’t pull an all-nighter to learn everything that you haven’t learned in a period of a whole semester. Let’s be honest and don’t fool ourselves because this is not an achievable task.
  4. Cramming a night before won’t help in remembering or even recalling the slightest of a topic.
  5. Don’t let other tasks whether it is a part-time job or other courses overwhelm you. These should not affect and interfere with a study plan.
  6. Don’t set unrealistic goals, they will always leave you in a pool of disappointment.
  7. There is a huge difference between preparing to study and actually studying to do my exam for me.
  8. A student should not skip or underestimate the reviewing session which is scheduled by a professor. These sessions are great and give an opportunity to ask many questions. Also, actively listen to the teacher if they are emphasizing a specific topic due to its relevance. Chances are they are going to include it in the exam paper, so you can expect what is coming in a test.
  9. Separate yourself from the drama or outside influence like friends and family during your exams. Set clear boundaries with them moreover, inform them early about your examination period.
  10. As I mentioned earlier, it is important to review past papers. But don’t just review, but do take at least one practice test to check the current preparation. That will give you time to evaluate your performance.
  11. Don’t underestimate or ignore any kind of directions and guidelines that you receive for an exam. Follow the proper path and understand all the requirements of doing my exams for me.
  12. Don’t let yourself get stuck in one answer so that you lose track of time. Adapt the strategy of divide and conquer, speed up your pace with time which will help you in completing all the answers.
  13. A student should not compare themselves with each other. Comparison damage more than anything, take your time, check your answers, proofread for one last time then submit.

To conclude all these points I would end this article with a quote “Just be calm and kind to yourself”. That is the only way to succeed in life. Exams are an important phase in life but you should enjoy your life as well. Take pride in your accomplishments of achieving rather than hiring someone else to do my exam for me.


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